December 5, 2021

5 reasons to book a destination wedding

I’ve been itching to share these images with you from Capadoccia, Turkey.

I love to travel + Capadoccia has been on my bucket list for a while. It’s an insanely beautiful place, world famous for it’s hot air balloon vistas. (You’ve probably seen the viral snap from @mariefeandjakesnow ‘s engagement there – and if you haven’t – it’s definitely one to check out)!

If you’re considering a destination wedding + you’re reading this for extra motivation to get it booked (I feel ya!) here are my top 5 reasons to consider a destination wedding.

1. It’s unique! You can pick somewhere special to you and your partner that’s your place. It’s unlikely that any of your friends and family will have got married in the same place, which makes it extra special.

2. As it’s long haul, it makes it so much easier to reduce your guest list! If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed about how to not invite people, having a destination wedding makes it that bit easier, as you can say that you just want close friends + family in attendance.

3. You have a better base to start your honeymoon. Choosing somewhere further afield could result in huge savings when booking your honeymoon flights, as often, we pay so much extra for travelling from the UK.

4. It’s often cheaper! (Yes, really)! Not only do destination weddings tend to have smaller guest lists which saves you heaps of cash, hotels + venues rely on destination weddings to keep afloat and often ofter more competitive deals compared to here in the UK.

5. The photo possibilities are endless. I’ve saved the best until last. It really is so much easier to get amazing photos when you’re taking them outside in natural light. As destination weddings tend to have better weather, we’re more likely to be outside for longer, which can result in some seriously breathtaking snaps.

Don’t just take my word for it, explore my recent work in Capadoccia below – and enjoy!

If you are looking for a destination wedding photographer, I would LOVE to connect with you. Please get in touch via my contact form.

As featured on Want That Wedding, Unconventional Wedding and Perfect Venue.